Friday, May 15, 2020

Session 13: Break it Down!

In which the Wyld Stallyns entered a Hive of bug men and left victorious...

Having completed his 6th side scenario, Herr Axl Gierschmidt  has achieved his Personal Quest and has become the first retiree of Camp Pain. Before retiring, Herr Axl sold off all his items, and purchased two enhancements, as well as making a final donation to the Sanctuary of the Great Oak. The Blesses belong to Axl, and so the cards won't be added to Vinnie's new character for the first scenario, but since all remaining gold would be forfeited, it makes sense to do this and raise the City Prosperity. (You can only do it once per trip to Gloomhaven)

As a reward for the completed Quest, Camp Pain has unlocked a new character class - Aesther Nightshroud (eclipse icon). The first retirement triggers the opening of the Town Records book. You can read the first part here. Nothing of major consequence happens (until we reach prosperity 3 when we will continue reading from the Town Records).

At the end of the Harrower Hive, we found a Runic scroll as loot. It said"
    "We burrow deep, but the central clue 
    is lost to us.
    The only thing left to do is ask the creator directly.
    Send him dust and nothing else"
It can be deciphered using the key. 

Combatants and Stats:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt (Lv 6 Tinkerer)-- 22XP / 12 G / 1 check
    Retired -- Complete 6 side scenarios 
Greg as Giorgio McLovin (Lv 5 Brute)--24 XP / 5 G / 1 check
Jeff as Arthur J Agrocrag (Lv 3 Cragheart)--
Tyler as Dolores Badmeat (Lv 3 Scoundrel)--23 XP / 30 G / 0 check

76: Harrower Hive: Complete!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Session 12: Total Annihlation

In which Jekserah met her fate and the posts got even shorter....

Combatants and Stats:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt (Lv 6Tinkerer) 23 XP // 9 Gold // 2 checks 
Jeff as Arthur J Agrocrag (Lv 3 Cragheart) 17 XP // 14 Gold // 0 check
Greg as Giorgio McLovin (Lv 4 Brute) - 19 XP // 71 Gold // 1 check
Chadwick as Bjork (Lv 3 Diviner) - 16 XP // 29 Gold // 0 check

20: Necromancer's Sanctum (Lv 2) Complete

The Stallyns traveled east. Just outside Gloomhaven, on the edge of the woods, the found Jekserah's keep. They fought their way through skeletons, zombies, and demons. When they reached the final chamber it couldn't have been any easier. With her head on a spie, the Stallyns proudly returned to Gloomhaven, the heroes of the City Guard.

Notable Events, Treasures
Giorgio looted the Skullbane Axe

Friday, May 1, 2020

Session 11: A Poisonous, Immobilizing Goo Puddle

In which the Stallyns went semi-virtual...

The temporary halt of live play continues, but we managed to sort out a remote play method using Skype for the board, Helper app, and player audio. Several of us already own the game and used the cards from our own boxes, but it's also possible to obtain them from the internet and print them.\

With our 10th donation to The Sanctuary of the Great Oak we were allowed to envelope B. From now on, every 5th donation increases the Gloomhaven City Prosperity (currently 2). This affects the highest starting level for new characters and the items available in the item store. Can we count on you for a donation?

To make a long story short, we failed 81 once, and completed it the second time. Bjork looted a Helix Ring from The Colorless. Then we went to 82 and succeeded, kinda. Dolores Badmeat looted two sacred artifacts - Helm of the Mountain (110) and the Mountain Hammer (115), but by not destroying either, we caused the volcano to erupt. People were kinda pissed.

Updated Story Tracker
Character Stats
Ability Decks
Enhancement Prices

Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt - Level 6
Tyler as Dolores Badmeat - Level 3
Greg as Giorgio McLovin - Level 4
Chadwick as Bjork - Level 3