Saturday, December 21, 2019

Session 2: The Drake Mistake

Wyld Stallyns:
Vinnie as Herr Axel Gierschmidt (Tinkerer)
Hayden as Incendium (Spellweaver)

The Stallyns returned to Gloomhaven, where in the Sleeping Lion they met Incendium, a Spellweaver from the 7th Realm, better known as Kiwiden. Axl was glad for the new travel partner.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Session 1: The Bear Beginnings

Wyld Stallyns:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt--Tinkerer
Jeff as Arthur J. Agrocrag--Cragheart
Greg as Giorgio McLovin--Brute
Neill as Lwaxana Troi--Scoundrel

It was a Sunday afternoon at The Sleeping Lion. Axl had been up early, drinking ale when Giorgio and Lwaxana arrived. Arthur was accidentally causing a ruckus at the building next door, knocking on random doors and terrifying people. Eventually he arrived and the Wyld Stallyns were formed through a collective respect for William S Preston, esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan.