Vinnie as Herr Axel Gierschmidt (Tinkerer)
Hayden as Incendium (Spellweaver)
The Stallyns returned to Gloomhaven, where in the Sleeping Lion they met Incendium, a Spellweaver from the 7th Realm, better known as Kiwiden. Axl was glad for the new travel partner.
Suddenly, the Lion went pitch black - the newfangled light bulbs had died. Axl sprung into action and the party was bumping again in no time (+2 Reputation).
The ensuing celebration in Axl's honor had him brimming with confidence. So much that on the road to Barrow Lair, he decided to shoot at some birds that turned out to be Drakes. Great. By the time they arrived and Barrow Lair, they were both -2 Health.
Inside the lair, they made quick work of the archers in the first room and then entered the main lair where the Bandit Commander, powered by The Gloom, raised another massive army of Living Corpses and Bones. Luckily, the Stallyns were able to take care of the Commander after opening only two side rooms. Just before reaching exhaustion, Incendium unleashed a series of fire orbs, badly burning the Bandit Commander and the Elite Archer. Axl delivered the final death blow to the Commander, and the remaining Corpses.
The scrolls indicated that more info about The Gloom might be found at 04: The Crypt of the Damned.
They returned to The Sleeping Lion where Jekserah rewarded them with +10 gold each and offered more work, getting revenge on a group of Inox (03: Inox Encampment)
Scenario 2 Completed!
Axl Gierschmidt--12 XP/20 G/1 ✓
Incendium--12 XP/14 G/0 ✓
Unlocked Scenarios:
03: Inox Encampment
04: Crypt of The Damned