Wyld Stallyns:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt (Tinkerer)
Greg as Giorgio McLovin (Brute)
Jeff as Arthur J Agrocrag (Cragheart)
Paul as Harvester of Sorrow (Mindthief)
The Wyld Stallyns assembled at the Sleeping Lion, and welcome newcomer Harvester (Harvey) of Sorrows. They headed off for 66: Clockwork Cove on a tip from Lwaxana Troi that there might be some machinery worth checking out.
On the road they saw an idiot Quatryl crash out of the sky. Pathetic. They helped him get back up, and the idiot immediately crashed again. Dead. Luckily, he had 5 coins on him, so they took it and split it up. You can't take it with you, people.
Through a thick fog, they spotted Clockwork Cove. Inside, the whir of ancient machinery was deafening but the Stallyns could not be stopped. A series of pressure plates opened doors along the way, allowing them to just run past some self-murdering Ooze and activate the Final pressure plate. Giorgio looted a treasure chest (+10 XP) but the other remained unopened.
Scenario 66 Completed!
The crew returned to Gloomhaven. Harvey went home, tired from the excitement at Clockwork Cove. Axl levelled up (but forgot to take the extra HP in the next scenario).
In the City they helped a clumsy Inox and earned 5 gold to divy up. They headed after the trail of The Gloom, to 04: Crypt of the Damned.
On the Road, they got effed up by a band of Inox who wouldn't take No for an answer. (-3 HP)
Inside the Crypt, the Stallyns overcame the Living Bones and Bandits in the first room. Further inside, they discovered a Cult ritual. Earth and Frost Demons summoned from the nether void stomped around the Crypt, but they were easy work for the Stallyns who managed to loot both treasures but one of them was bad! (-3 HP, +Poison!) With a swift blow they killed the last Cultist.
Scenario 04 Completed!
Writings found in the Crypt provided two options for the Stallyns: either fight the Cult of The Gloom or help them clear out an overrun crypt.
Session Stats:
Herr Gierschmidt 24 XP/14 G/2 ✓
Giorgio McLovin 38 XP/28 G/2 ✓
Art Agrocrag 20 XP/23 G/4 ✓
Harvey of Sorrows 12 XP/6 G/0 ✓
Item Design 123: Ring of Skulls
05: Ruinous Crypt
06: Decaying Crypt
Global Achievement: Ancient Technology
The party returned to Gloomhaven where they remain until next time.