We unlocked The Power of Enahncement, which opens up a huge new variety of purchases you can make. You can purchase stickers to permanently modify the Ability Cards for your character class. You may have noticed that some Actions have a small dot to the right and this is the reason.
Enhancement Prices
Ability Decks
Combatants and Stats:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt (Lv 3 Tinkerer)
-- 37 XP/ 30 G/3 ✓ - Level 4
Greg as Giorgio McLovin (Lv 3 Brute)
Greg as Giorgio McLovin (Lv 3 Brute)
-- 39 XP/8 G/0 ✓ - Level 3
Jeff as Arthur J Agrocrag (Lv 2 Cragheart)
-- 26 XP/15 G/0 ✓ - Level 2
Chadwick as Bjork (Lv 2 Diviner)
-- 25 XP/32 G/3 ✓ - Level 2
Jeff as Arthur J Agrocrag (Lv 2 Cragheart)
-- 26 XP/15 G/0 ✓ - Level 2
Chadwick as Bjork (Lv 2 Diviner)
-- 25 XP/32 G/3 ✓ - Level 2
14: Frozen Hollow - COMPLETED
07: Vibrant Grotto - COMPLETED
City and Road Events:
City Event: We traded our Loot with a Savvas merchant and received a square black and white coin in exchange. We decided to keep it. Turns out it was cool.+Scenario 81: Temple of the Eclipse
Road Event: We helped a clan of beaten Inox carrying and dragging everything they owned. They told us they couldnt go home until "the beast rests." +Scenario 82: Burning Mountain
City Event: Another angry mob (maybe the same one that lynched that Vermling a few sessions ago) were threatening a family of Quatryls so we stopped them. Nothing Happened.
Road Event: Yet another band of Inox, this time fighting a bunch of humans, who were probably dicks. So we helped the Inox and we got a Necklace of Teeth (item 106) in return.
14: Frozen Hollow - COMPLETED
07: Vibrant Grotto - COMPLETED
City and Road Events:
City Event: We traded our Loot with a Savvas merchant and received a square black and white coin in exchange. We decided to keep it. Turns out it was cool.+Scenario 81: Temple of the Eclipse
Road Event: We helped a clan of beaten Inox carrying and dragging everything they owned. They told us they couldnt go home until "the beast rests." +Scenario 82: Burning Mountain
City Event: Another angry mob (maybe the same one that lynched that Vermling a few sessions ago) were threatening a family of Quatryls so we stopped them. Nothing Happened.
Road Event: Yet another band of Inox, this time fighting a bunch of humans, who were probably dicks. So we helped the Inox and we got a Necklace of Teeth (item 106) in return.
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