Thursday, January 23, 2020

Session 4: The Inox Massacre

Fifteen floors above the City of Brotherly Gloomhaven, the Wyld Stallyns gathered for an extended session of mischief. The Grammy Award-winning artist-turned-Diviner Bjork was passing through and joined in the fun, and Doc Brown who had earlier traveled forward time to gain the powers of a Spellweaver, then traveled back in time and across dimensions to be there.

Combatants and Stats:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt (Lv 2 Tinkerer)   -- 49 XP/33 G/2 - Level 3
Greg as Giorgio McLovin (Lv 2 Brute)                 -- 49 XP/45 G/1 - Level 3
Randy as Dr. Emmet Brown (Lv 1 Spellweaver)  -- 56 XP/13 G/2 - Level 2
Chadwick as Bjork (Lv 1 Diviner)                        -- 32 XP/21 G/2 - Level 1

Completed Scenarios
03: Inox Encampment (Lv0)
08: Gloomhaven Warehouse (Lv1)
70: Chained Isle (Lv1)

Notable Events:
Bjork opened a treasure revealing the Side Scenario 70: Chained Isle
Doc Brown opened a chest containing a Chained Hook (item 039)
Herr Axl and Giorgio McLovin achieved Level 3
Doc Brown achieved Level 2
Defeated 2x 28 HP Bosses - Inox Bodyguard
We turned on Jekserah at the advice of the city guard.

Fifteen floors above the City of Brotherly Gloomhaven, the Wyld Stallyns gathered for an extended session of mischief. The Grammy Award-winning artist-turned-Diviner Bjork was passing through and joined in the fun, and Doc Brown who had earlier traveled forward time to gain the powers of a Spellweaver, then traveled back in time and across dimensions to be there.

In Gloomhaven, they watched a Vermling being lynched by an angry mob. The Stallyns seemed to take joy in the emptiness they felt while doing nothing to stop it. (+City Event 60 to deck)

They decided to head to 03: Inox Encampment after a larger purse from Jekserah, as well as  Giorgio's Inox blood lust. While traveling, they came upon a caravan. Knowing the battle they were headed for, the Stallyns opted for the peaceful option and offered their protection, traveling with them for a few hours. Their good deed was rewarded by the merchants in the caravan +5 gold each.

They arrived in Dagger Forest and quietly approached the camp, with massive, relentless Inox. It was a brutal, epic slog that resulted in the vicious slaughtering 20 Inox guards, Archers, and Shaman. They died like dogs.

Following our success, Jekserah paid us 15 gold each for our services--which didn't feel like enough for the time invested--and pointed us towards another heist at 09: Diamond Mine. Afterwards, a Quatryl city guard named Argeise emerged from the shadows to warn us about Jekserah's real intentions--to overthrow the military rule of Gloomhaven--and offered us a chance to help the city. Seduced by the pheromones of his fellow Quatryl, Axl begged the others to follow him after Argeise to 08: Gloomhaven Warehouse, the next morning at sunrise.

That night on the streets of Gloomhaven, they went to Wawa for a hoagies. Inside, they were accosted by a hulking brute, in need of a dollar. Channeling our remaining rage from the battle in Dagger Forest, we started a brawl in Wawa. Coffee and mayonnaise everywhere, basically. We learned an important lesson that day: Wawa is weird and gross but somehow worth it (+10 XP) but we had to pay for the soft pretzels we destroyed. (-5 gold)

At 08: Gloomhaven Warehouse, they negotiated a labyrinth of tables and swarming undead. Giorgio led the charge, leaping over tables and busting into the backroom where Jekserah and henchman waited. He immediately received two punishing blows from the Inox bodyguards but he remained standing. He dodged attack after attack and before exhausting, the Brute summoned his Inox rage and softened the bodyguards for the rest of the Stallyns,

Jekserah escaped, and threatened to return with an army of undead. We could follow her to 13: Temple of the Seer. Argeise confessed her network would be unable to find Jekserah, but suggested an Enchanter in town who might be able to help (07: Vibrant Grove, 14: Frozen Hollow).

It was at this time that Giorgio and Bjork both had to leave.

Chadwick as Doc Brown (Spellweaver)

The next day, back in Gloomhaven a boy in shackles was dragged by guards right past Axl and Doc. They decided to intervene and pay the boy's fine of 10 gold collectively (+Event Card 70) .

Axl lobbied to go for the side scenario, and save the main story for a larger group. Dr. Brown was resistant, but eventually he acquiesced ad they headed for 70: Chained Isle. On the way there, they forgot to draw an Event card. Oh well. They killed the various demons in the cave fairly easily. Doc found a Treasure Chest containing Hooked Chain (item 039)

After 14 hours of Glooming high above the city, they went to bed.

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