Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Session 6 - Demons O' Plenty

In which the Wyld Stallyns attempt to stop the Cult of The Gloom...

Combatants and Stats:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt (Lv 3 Tinkerer)
-- 12 XP/ 27 G/0 ✓ - Level 3
Paul as Harvester of Sorrows (Lv 1 Mindthief)  
-- 11 XP/27 G/0 ✓ - Level 2

Scenarios Played
05: Ruinous Crypt (Lv2) -- FAILED

Notable Events:
City Event: A swarm of clacking, crab-clawed Lurkers appeared on a Gloomhaven dock. We cautiously approached and attempted to communicate but the scuttled off. The Audience was impressed, earning the Wyld Stallyns +2 reputation. 
Road Event: A swarm of red birds passed overhead. Hungry Harvey urged Axl to kill.some dinner. Axl readied his bow, but was haunted by the memory and emnarassment of the drake. He double-clutched before lowering the weapon. (No Effect)

We decided to follow the trail of the Cult of the Gloom, to stop them and protect the growing legend of the Wyld Stallyns. Unfortunately, we were a bit slow getting to the first side room, and both exhausted short of the goal.

-- We each opened a treasure chest, which both contained 15 gold.
-- Axl Purchased 013-Minor Stamina Potion and 014-Minor Power Potion
-- Harvey purchased 012-Minor Healing Potion

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