Monday, January 27, 2020

Session 5: Bears Come Ripping

I decided to change the format of these posts. Key info up front, and then copy/paste from the scenario book so you can read the text for yourself

Combatants and Stats:
Vinnie as Herr Axl Gierschmidt (Lv 3 Tinkerer)
-- 20 XP/ 3 G/-1 ✓ - Level 3
Jeff as Arthur J. Agrocrag (Lv 1 Cragheart)  
-- 12 XP/13 G/0 ✓ - Level 3
Neill as Lwaxana Troi (Lv 1 Scoundrel)
-- 22 XP/21 G/2 ✓ - Level 2
Hayden as Bjork (Lv 1 Spellweaver)
-- 25 XP/ 7 G/2 ✓ - Level 2

Completed Scenarios
13: Temple of the Seer (Lv2)

Notable Events:
Due to the Gloomhaven Prosperity Level reaching 2, Art and Lwaxan got to Level Up and gain XP all the way to 45.
City Event: A "rustic" man asked us to find his friend. We said "Pay Us." He said "No." That was that.
Road Event: We encountered the same bear from Session 1 and ran away. Somehow it turned out worse. (-1 check) 
Long story short: Hope we don't draw the bear card again.

We Free Solo'd up the face of a cliff to 13: Temple of the Seer.  We fought off Stone Golems, Bears, Spirits, and Drakes that all appeared from nothing. I've learned something important in the last two sessions: If you are going to open a door and then stand in it, you'd better be prepared to receive heavy damage. After the killing ended, a disembodied voice offered us a choice: Great Power, Great Wealth, or Finding Jekserah.

We chose the money.

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